Don’t miss any Bottom Line Secrets. Add our address,, to your Address Book or Safe List. Learn how here. July 29, 2011 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Dear, Do you feel like you’re always short on time... and that there are never enough hours in the day for the things you really want to do? Here’s a way out of that trap from Laura Vanderkam, author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think. She shares the time-saving secret that will help you find hours you never imagined you had. What to do with your newfound time? Get together with your friends—and live longer. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Brigham Young University, explains why having an active social life is profoundly good for your health—and she shares the research that proves it. All the best, ![]() Jessica Kent Editor Time Makeover: Free Up Hours You Didn’t Think You Had Laura Vanderkam Most of us have more free time than we realize. Even those who work 60 hours a week and sleep eight hours a night still have 52 additional hours each week. The problem is that we tend to burn many of those hours thoughtlessly on things that aren’t vital or particularly enjoyable, such as watching TV or browsing the Internet. Our lives would be more productive and fun if we consciously chose what to do with our time. Here’s an eight-step time-management makeover to do just that...
Create a list of 100 things that you would like to accomplish—not just big, ambitious goals, but also smaller things that you suspect would make you excited or joyful... or that you might remember with fondness or pride when you look back on your life. Examples: Your list might include vacation destinations that you would like to visit... projects that you want to complete related to your career or a hobby... skills that you would like to acquire... even books that you would like to read. At least a few of the 100 dreams should be things that can be achieved in one day. These are likely to be checked off the list quickly, boosting your confidence in your ability to accomplish your more difficult dreams. Examples: Reading a children’s book you never got around to when you were a kid... attending a performance of your favorite opera... making an apple pie from scratch. Helpful: If you can’t come up with 100 dreams, try just 25 and proceed with the following steps anyway. Return to your list periodically until you get to 100.
Examples: Perhaps no one is as good as you at dreaming up new sales channels for your company’s products... or at teaching young children. We tend to feel most useful and happy when we devote time to tasks for which we see ourselves as irreplaceable. Examine your one-week time log. How much of your time are you devoting to your core competencies? You want to devote as much time to them as possible.
Examples: If you are willing to earn less, you could quit your job and find a less time-consuming career. If you are willing to eat simpler meals, you could save the time you spend cooking.
Example: If your goal is to spend more time with your young children or grandkids, you could leave the office at 4:00 twice a week, then make up that lost time by spending an hour or two responding to nonurgent work e-mails from home after the kids are in bed. Also, put your morning hours to better use. The morning is when we are most alert and energetic—yet most of us waste this time puttering around, checking our e-mails or sitting in rush-hour traffic. Make the morning your time to pursue your most important dream... or to get some exercise. If you currently have no free time on weekday mornings, go to bed an hour earlier and get up an hour earlier. Next, schedule your core-competency time. Block out specific work time and personal time to pursue whatever it is that you do better than everyone else. Finally, choose one or two entries from your "List of 100 Dreams," and write them into this week’s schedule wherever you find openings. Larger dreams should be broken into specific "actionable steps," which can be included on the schedule. Example: If the dream is "launch my own business," the first actionable step might be "speak with experienced business owners I know about how to get started."
Compile a list of things that give you joy that take 30 minutes or less... and another list of things that give you joy that take 10 minutes or less. Examples: Reading a few pages of a novel... doing yoga stretches... or working on a crossword puzzle.
Eventually, creating a life in which you have it all will no longer seem so hard. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed interviewed Laura Vanderkam, a journalist based in New York City who writes frequently about how people spend their time. Her work has appeared in The Wall Street Journal and USA Today. She is author of 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think (Portfolio). ![]() ![]() Marge Couldn’t Remember Her Phone Number... But Now Her Brain Is 20 Years Younger... Social Isolation Julianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD Social isolation can be as harmful to health as smoking and alcoholism... and is worse for health than obesity or lack of exercise. In a review of 148 studies, people with strong social ties had a 50% higher chance of survival than people with weak social connections. Self-defense: Seek out company as much as possible—especially if you live alone. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Julianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD, associate professor of psychology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, and lead author of an analysis of 148 studies, including 308,849 participants, published in PLoS Medicine. ![]() Important: Help your friends get much more out of life -- forward this E-letter to them. Better: Send it to many friends and your whole family. This is a free weekly e-mail service of and Boardroom Inc. Boardroom Inc. 281 Tresser Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901-3229 ATTN: Web Team You received this e-mail because you have requested it. You are on the mailing list as Or... a friend forwarded it to you. Disclaimer: Bottom Line Secrets publishes the opinions of expert authorities in many fields. But the use of these opinions is no substitute for legal, accounting, investment, medical and other professional services to suit your specific personal needs. Always consult a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. Bottom Line Secrets is a registered trademark of Boardroom Inc. Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Update My E-mail Preferences Change My E-mail Address | Contact Us | Privacy Policy Copyright (c) 2011 by Boardroom Inc. |

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