Don't miss any Bottom Line Secrets. Add our address,, to your Address Book or Safe List. Learn how here. April 29, 2011 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Dear, You may picture most millionaires as living in large houses, driving expensive cars and partaking of "the good life." But, Thomas J. Stanley, PhD, author of the mega-best-seller The Millionaire Next Door, has found out that the facts are actually different and quite surprising including some of their get-rich secrets that he shares today. If you like eating eggs but think they’re not especially good for your health -- you’ll be happy to hear what Rosemary Walzem, PhD, RD, associate professor of nutritional biochemistry at Texas A&M University, has to say about the latest scientific findings on eggs. She tells why they are more healthful than most people realize and explains how to maximize their nutritional value. All the best, ![]() Jessica Kent Editor ![]() Delicious 'Wonder Drug' for High Blood Pressure Praised by Harvard Researchers Millionaires Have Big Houses and Fancy Cars, Right? Wrong! Thomas J. Stanley, PhD Most people would like to live like millionaires, but few understand what that really means. Marketers of luxury products foster the impression that millionaires drive fancy cars, live in mansions and surround themselves with luxury goods. The reality is that most millionaires live surprisingly modest lives, far from the fast lane. And, most people who act rich are not rich. That’s what Thomas J. Stanley, PhD, America’s foremost authority on the affluent, has discovered during his extensive research for his new book Stop Acting Rich... And Start Living Like a Real Millionaire.
What’s wrong with living in a big, fancy house? Though many Americans believe luxury real estate is a great long-term investment -- recent years aside -- a big home is far more likely to prevent you from becoming a millionaire than to help you become one. While it’s true that real estate tends to increase in value, big homes also have big costs -- including big mortgage payments, property taxes, heating and cooling bills, and insurance and maintenance bills. Also, expensive homes tend to be surrounded by other expensive homes that are owned by people who buy expensive things. That creates social pressure to spend to fit in. It’s better to buy a modest home that you can easily afford in a neighborhood where you are more successful than most of your neighbors, minimizing the pressure to overspend. Invest the money that you save in the stock market. Stocks, not real estate, are the true investment path to wealth -- despite big pullbacks in stock prices from time to time.
Fully 86% of people who drive luxury brands (BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, Jaguar and the like) are not millionaires. These brands tend to attract high earners who also are status-conscious overspenders, which prevents them from ever accumulating significant assets.
Even more millionaires (70%) have never owned a boat. Of those millionaires who actually purchased a boat sometime during their lifetime, most sold it and never bought another one.
When millionaires shop for clothes, they are more likely to head to Kohl’s, JCPenney and Target than to Saks and Brooks Brothers. (If a millionaire does wear a Brooks Brothers garment, he/she probably bought it on sale.) When millionaires buy a watch, their choice is Seiko, not Rolex. Paying thousands is just showing off, something true millionaires rarely do. (Of those who wear a Rolex, 46% received it as a gift.) When millionaires uncork wine for guests, the median price they paid for the bottle is just $13. Only 7% of millionaires own a bottle that costs more than $100. Exception: Many male millionaires are willing to pay $100 to $300 for a pair of shoes. They aren’t anteing up to get a flashy brand name, however. The most popular millionaire shoe brands include Allen Edmonds, Cole Haan and Johnston & Murphy -- shoemakers known for providing comfort, quality construction and timeless styling. When these shoes wear out, millionaires (70%) have them resoled rather than replaced.
Engineers tend to be analytical thinkers who value quality and substance. They ignore marketing hype and focus on things that matter. Example: An engineer is more likely to pay extra for a garment with a high thread count -- an objective measure of quality -- than one with a prestige label. The culture at most educational institutions values saving for retirement over spending on elite consumer goods. Few educators earn flashy salaries, yet teachers and professors often manage to amass seven-figure savings. Managers of supermarkets and discount department stores look at consumer products not as symbols of economic success but merely as a way to make a living.
If you already have married someone who likes to spend, try to hang out as a couple with your more frugal friends. This should dampen your partner’s impulse to spend to fit in. *Dr. Stanley defines a millionaire as someone with investments of $1 million or more, not including equity in one’s home, motor vehicles, furniture, etc. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Thomas J. Stanley, PhD, who has studied the wealthy in America for more than 30 years. Based in Atlanta, he is author of the mega–best sellers The Millionaire Next Door and The Millionaire Mind. His most recent best seller is Stop Acting Rich... And Start Living Like a Real Millionaire (Wiley). ![]() ![]() Marge Couldn't Remember Her Phone Number... But Now Her Brain Is 20 Years Younger... The New Way to Think About Eggs Rosemary Walzem, PhD, RD In the past, people were warned not to eat eggs every day due to concerns about cholesterol and heart health -- but that has changed. Recent finding: For healthy people, eating one egg daily does not increase heart disease risk, perhaps because eggs raise blood levels of HDL "good" cholesterol as much as LDL "bad" cholesterol. Exception: If you already have high cholesterol or diabetes, limit eggs to two or three weekly. For about 70 calories, one large egg provides 6 g of protein (for tissue repair), 239 mcg of vitamin B-2 (for energy production) and 24 mcg of iodine (for thyroid function). Except for protein, most nutrients are in the yolk -- as are the egg’s 1.5 g of saturated fat and 212 mg of cholesterol. Options... Grade AA or A. This refers to the amount of air inside the shell, which reflects egg age and quality. Use the fresher grade AA for frying -- it holds its shape. Use grade A for hard-boiling (for easier peeling) and whipping egg whites (for volume). Pasteurized. This process destroys salmonella. Opt for pasteurized when a recipe calls for raw eggs or if you like your eggs runny. Cage-free, free-range or organic. Cage-free hens live in henhouses but not cages. Free-range hens and those laying certified organic eggs have outdoor access. Safety and quality can be harder to manage in cage-free rather than caged settings -- so whichever type you prefer, buy eggs with a USDA grade shield or "USDA certified organic" label, indicating adherence to safety standards. If you buy from a farmer’s market, be sure it is monitored by local health inspectors. Omega-3–enriched. Laid by hens given enriched feed, these contain more heart-healthy DHA omega-3 than the 18 mg in a regular egg. To get your money’s worth, look for brands with at least 100 mg of DHA per egg. White or brown. Shell color is determined by the hen’s breed. It does not affect taste or nutrients. Bottom Line/Women’s Health interviewed Rosemary Walzem, PhD, RD, associate professor of nutritional biochemistry, poultry science department, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. ![]() Important: Help your friends get much more out of life -- forward this E-letter to them. Better: Send it to many friends and your whole family. This is a free weekly e-mail service of and Boardroom Inc. Boardroom Inc. 281 Tresser Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901-3229 ATTN: Web Team You received this e-mail because you have requested it. You are on the mailing list as Or... a friend forwarded it to you. Disclaimer: Bottom Line Secrets publishes the opinions of expert authorities in many fields. But the use of these opinions is no substitute for legal, accounting, investment, medical and other professional services to suit your specific personal needs. Always consult a competent professional for answers to your specific questions. Bottom Line Secrets is a registered trademark of Boardroom Inc. Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Update My E-mail Preferences Change My E-mail Address | Contact Us | Privacy Policy Copyright (c) 2011 by Boardroom Inc. |

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