Don't miss any of HealthyWoman from Bottom Line. Add our address,, to your Address Book or Safe List. Learn how here. | June 30, 2011 | |  |  | 5 Minutes to a More Powerful You: The Power of a Personal Mantra | |  | Shocking #2 Cause of Cancer | |  | Skim Milk Compress Soothes Sunburned Skin | |  | The Hidden Truth About Bypass Surgery | |  | Fascinating Facts | | | | | | |  | | | The Power of a Personal Mantra When a friend extolled the virtues of meditation, I confessed that I cannot keep my mind and body still long enough to reap the benefits. She said, "You need a mantra. It will make all the difference." To find out whether and why that might be true, I called mind-body expert and clinical psychotherapist Ronald A. Alexander, PhD, author of Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose & Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss & Change. He told me that the concept of a mantra (which means sacred message in Sanskrit) was developed thousands of years ago by yogis to enhance meditation and promote enlightenment. How does that translate to today’s frenetic world? "Consistent users report that mantras can change your state of mind, mood, thought processes and even physiology," Dr. Alexander said. Research shows that mantras may help you calm down... reduce stress... moderate emotional responses... focus attention... set priorities... sleep more soundly... and improve overall quality of life. In my yoga class, we often chant the classic mantra Om. Dr. Alexander noted several other simple sounds that can bring stillness to the mind, including Ra... Ma... and Sa. Or you can select a phrase that has personal relevance and use this unique mantra during meditation, he suggested. Modern twist: According to Dr. Alexander, today’s mantras often meld principles of Eastern meditation, such as Buddhist mindfulness (being fully aware of the present moment, without judgment), with contemporary Western psychotherapy techniques that aim to replace unwholesome self-criticisms with positive thoughts. The idea is to choose a mantra that is meaningful to you... gently dispels sorrows about the past and worries about the future... and/or reinforces a desirable emotional state, such as tranquility, acceptance or mental clarity. Developing your mantra repertoire: First, consider the specific change you desire. For instance, suppose an inner voice keeps telling you that you’re unworthy, incompetent or unlovable. To find a mantra that can redirect your thoughts... - Identify the unwholesome self-judgment and challenge its validity. Ask yourself, Is it really true that I am unworthy? Chances are that the answer is no.
- Determine the healing opposite of unworthiness, and turn that into a mantra—for instance, "I am worthy."
- Compose two additional mantras expressing the same idea, such as "I deserve to be happy" and "I am learning to value myself." Dr. Alexander explained that we often struggle with deep negative thoughts, beliefs and feelings... so it helps to have a repertoire of three mantras that instill and reinforce a more wholesome core message.
- Choose a particular place in your body (such as your heart, forehead or belly) in which to "ground" your affirmation by placing your hand on that spot or imagining your breath going there as you repeat your mantra. This physical action helps you focus on the positive resources that exist in your physical body, Dr. Alexander explained.
Sample mantras: Depending on your situation and goals, select mantras that have significance for you, such as, "The healing bright light resides within me"... "I am at peace now"... "I am strong"... "Love surrounds me"... "I relax and breathe"... "I attract healthy relationships"... "Today is my day"... "Success is mine"... "My creativity is flowing." When to use your mantra: Meditate by repeating one of your chosen mantras, silently or aloud, for at least five minutes three times daily—when you wake up in the morning... at mid-afternoon, when biorhythms naturally produce an energy lag... and at sunset or just before bed. Alternative: Meditate for a minimum of 20 minutes once or twice daily, using part of this time to focus on your mantra. Also repeat your mantra whenever you feel stressed or sad or otherwise struggle as you go about your day. It will help you identify the uncomfortable emotion... acknowledge it for a moment... and then release it as you embrace a more positive and joyful feeling. Source: Ronald A. Alexander, PhD, is a clinical psychotherapist and executive director of the OpenMind Training Institute in Santa Monica, California. He has lectured at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, is the author of Wise Mind, Open Mind: Finding Purpose & Meaning in Times of Crisis, Loss & Change (New Harbinger) and created the audio CD Mindful Meditations for Creative Transformation. | | | | Shocking #2 Cause of Cancer An official at the American Cancer Society said that it’s easy to avoid half of all cancers. However, an adviser to the American Institute for Cancer Research was even more optimistic when he said that nine out of 10 cancers are related to factors we control. Of course, their #1 piece of advice is "stop smoking." We all know that. But I bet you don’t know the #2 cause of cancer. It’s something totally under your control—it’s much easier than quitting cigarettes—and it’s the last thing you’d ever expect. I’ll tell you about it in a moment. | | Keep reading... |  |  |  | | | Skim Milk Compress Soothes Sunburned Skin Though my fair-haired husband is susceptible to sunburn, he is not as careful about using sunscreen as he should be. So I was not surprised when, after a recent trip to the beach, he complained about having some patches of painfully pink skin. But he was surprised when I told him that the remedy was in our refrigerator. I learned about this simple solution—a skim milk compress—from Neal B. Schultz, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and owner of Park Avenue Skin Care, both in New York City. This homemade compress not only soothes sunburn pain, but also promotes healing. How does it work? Normally, the skin’s pH (a measure of acidity or alkalinity) is on the acidic side. But sunburn causes inflammation, which throws the pH off kilter and makes skin more alkaline. The protein in the milk acts as a chemical buffer that helps reduce painful inflammation and restore the skin’s proper pH, Dr. Schultz explained. In addition, as the milk evaporates from the skin, it causes cooling, which makes dilated blood vessels contract, thereby further reducing inflammation. Plain water also could achieve this second healing effect, but not the first. Why skim milk instead of whole? Because skim milk has a higher ratio of protein to fat, and it is the protein that helps the healing process—the extra fat would just make the compress messier. (Dr. Schultz pointed out that this remedy also helps relieve skin inflammation and irritation from other causes, such as poison ivy.) To make the compress: In a bowl, mix equal amounts of skim milk and slightly warm water to create a room-temperature mixture. As Dr. Schultz explained, a cold compress might feel more soothing initially, but the liquid would not evaporate as quickly, so you wouldn’t get as much anti-inflammatory action... and undiluted milk could create more mess without increasing the effectiveness. Dip a smooth cloth, such as a handkerchief or T-shirt (a washcloth’s rough texture would be too irritating), into the milk mixture. Then wring it out a bit—you want the cloth to be sufficiently damp but not dripping—and place the compress on the sunburned area for five minutes or so. There is no need to rinse your skin afterward. Repeat every three to four hours, continuing for as long as needed. Source: Neal B. Schultz, MD, is an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and owner of Park Avenue Skin Care, both in New York City. He also is the founder of and author of It’s Not Just About Wrinkles (Stewart, Tabori and Chang). | | | | The Hidden Truth About Bypass Surgery Research shows that the majority of bypass, angioplasty and stent patients don’t live a day longer than folks who skip it... Meaning that over 800,000 Americans every year are risking their lives for nothing—suffering hideous postsurgical pain and risking serious complications, for zero benefit. Even worse, according to Dr. Michael Ozner, MD, FACC, FAHA, medical director at the Center for Prevention & Wellness, Baptist Health South Florida, bypass surgery has been found to quadruple your stroke risk. What are the options? | | Read on... |  |  |  | | | Fascinating Facts 1 in 3... Hospital patients in the US who experience an "adverse event," such as being given the wrong medication, acquiring an infection or receiving the wrong surgical procedure. Source: The journal Health Affairs 1 in 3... Babies born in the US who are delivered by Cesarean section. Source: National Center for Health Statistics 1 in 3... American women who, in response to a survey, said that they had never heard of osteoporosis, the bone disease responsible for two million fractures per year in the US. Source: National Osteoporosis Foundation/Harris Interactive | | |  |  | |  Tamara Eberlein, the editor of HealthyWoman from Bottom Line, has been a health journalist for nearly three decades. An award-winning author or coauthor of four books, she is committed to helping other women in midlife and beyond live healthy, fulfilling lives. Her latest book is the updated, third edition of When You’re Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads (HarperCollins). She is also the "chief health adviser" to her husband of 26 years and three college-age children. | | | | Bottom Line Publications | 281 Tresser Boulevard, 8th Floor | Stamford, CT 06901
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