Don't miss any of Bottom Line's Daily Health News. Add our address,, to your Address Book or Safe List. Learn how here. August 30, 2011 In This Issue... - Double the Pain Relief of Glucosamine & Chondroitin!
- The Next Generation of Hearing Aids
- Enjoy the 100 Greatest Books of All Time... and Never Have to Read a Word
- The Genius of a Q-Tip
Double the Pain Relief of Glucosamine & Chondroitin! REVEALED: Surprising reasons why glucosamine and chondroitin fail for some people and why long-term use of conventional pain solutions may cause cartilage loss... PLUS: Doctor’s new discovery from nature’s pharmacy that can give you the best relief you’ve ever felt! His patients report: "Burning pain in rotator cuff 98% better"... "My knee pain, gone, in a few weeks"... "My joint pain is over 70% improved!" Learn more... The Next Generation of Hearing Aids Hearing aids have improved a great deal over the years, and yet they’re still far from perfect. Case in point: My elderly neighbors are very well off and have the best hearing aids available. But at a party with lots of people, they’ll simply turn them off. The noise, they say, becomes overwhelming. I thought of my friends as I read about Ray Meddis, PhD, a British scientist at the University of Essex, who is using computer models to develop better hearing aids that people won’t turn off. I phoned Dr. Meddis to ask why hearing aids are still so frustrating for people. The devices, he said, are currently prescribed after a test in which an audiologist checks a patient’s ability to hear various tones (frequencies) at different levels of loudness (amplitude). Since most people with impaired hearing can identify some tones better than others, doctors simply target those that are giving the person the most difficulty when they write the hearing aid prescription. But despite all that, it’s still hit or miss. "Many patients are happy with the extra loudness at certain frequencies," said Dr. Meddis, a psychologist who specializes in hearing and speech. But for others, a hearing aid simply makes many sounds too loud. Sometimes people find thathearing is improved when there’s a little background noise, such as when they’re relaxing around the dinner table with family members. But when they’re in a crowded environment "hearing aids are not able to help with that confusion of sound," Dr. Meddis said. YOUR EAR ON A MICROCHIP He and his colleagues have been working to solve just this sort of problem for more than 20 years. Finally, thanks to increased computer power, there have been significant breakthroughs. "We’ve built computer models that reproduce what goes on inside the ear when you listen to sounds both for normal hearing and impaired hearing," Dr. Meddis told me. "The models help us to understand how people with normal hearing, for instance, can tune in to a single voice in a noisy, crowded room. The researchers are writing software for hearing aids that can be very specifically customized for an individual’s specific hearing problems. This new generation of hearing aids will contain software encoded on a personal microchip. The aim is to replicate the functions of normal hearing to compensate for those functions that no longer work. This applies particularly to the regulation of sound levels that keep hearing in a comfortable range. Currently, oversized lab models of the hearing aids are being tested on patients in Dr. Meddis’s lab. Since about 36 million American adults have hearing problems, I was especially interested in finding out when the new hearing aids would be on the market. Dr. Meddis said the next step is to develop a microchip small enough to be put inside the hearing aids. Then working models will be tested by hearing-impaired people. But because development costs are high, Dr. Meddis said it would probably be several years before the highly computerized hearing aids will be available for sale. The good news is that one hearing aid manufacturer, Swiss-based Phonak, is already working with the Meddis team. Source(s):
Ray Meddis, PhD, professor emeritus of psychology and director of the Hearing Research Laboratory at the University of Essex in Colchester, Great Britain. Enjoy the 100 Greatest Books of All Time... and Never Have to Read a Word Listen to them effortlessly in audio book format preloaded on a compact MP3 player. Includes classics like Tom Sawyer, Little Women, Moby Dick and 97 more! So simple to use -- just push 'play' and enjoy. Listen anywhere: on walks, in the car, while travelling, or at home. Your collection includes a preloaded MP3 player, car adapter, headphones, belt clip and charger. Bonus Gift: Order today and you’ll also get 50 great classical music performances. You’ll get years of enjoyment from the Library of Classics all for less than $1 per book. Makes the perfect gift too! Learn more... The Genius of a Q-Tip Is it possible in an era of such complex medical technology for anything new and effective to also be stone simple? My answer is, of course -- and this is something we should never lose sight of. Latest example: I’ve come across a fascinating new medical study describing a technique for preventing infections in certain surgical wounds using nothing but a cotton swab similar to the Q-tips brand that we all grew up with. This approach is used solely for patients who have what surgeons call "dirty" wounds. Because of the type of operation -- for example, bowel surgery, perforated appendix or surgery for trauma -- a dirty wound is likely to be heavily contaminated with bacteria, putting patients at high risk for infections. Infection Rates Drop, So Does Pain As a rule, efforts to prevent postsurgery infection in dirty wounds have included inserting under-the-skin drains... leaving the site open and cleaning it regularly... or applying topical antibiotics, but the success rate with these methods is disturbingly low. Risk for infection can reach up to 50% in the US, depending on the amount of contamination -- which translates to more than 500,000 such infections each year, representing 25% of all hospital-acquired infections and a major cause of patient death. The new study included 76 patients who had undergone surgery for a perforated appendix. In half of the patients, doctors used iodine to clean the incision wounds, and in the other half, they gently probed the wounds with cotton swabs daily. The results were impressive. While 19% of the iodine-only group developed wound infections, just 3% of the patients in the probed group did. The probed group also had shorter hospitals stays, on average (five days versus seven)... less postoperative pain... and better cosmetic healing of the incisions. A Study Speaks to Doubters The author of this study was surgeon Shirin Towfigh, MD, attending surgeon at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. She told me that she learned this technique while a resident at another medical center and assumed that it was common knowledge. Much to her surprise, she later discovered that very few doctors knew anything about it. Indeed she initially got a lot of resistance from her colleagues. "They were worried that the probing would be painful and thought it best to leave an incision alone to heal," she told me. This prompted her to do the clinical study and now, as she says, "the evidence speaks for itself." To be able to do cotton-swab probing, the incision must be closed loosely, with staples placed at least two centimeters apart, says Dr. Towfigh. This provides enough room for doctors to insert the dry swabs deep into the incision between the staples. (Contrary to doctors’ fears, Dr. Towfigh says, patients experience only a minimum amount of pain from the technique.) Daily probing starts the morning after surgery, takes two to four minutes, and continues until the wound closes completely, generally in three to five days. Gentle insertion doesn’t open up the sealed portions of the wound, and the trick here is that bacterial fluid is removed from the site, allowing the body’s natural defenses to deal with the infection. Some patients are ready to leave the hospital before their wounds have completely sealed -- and believe it or not, they are given instructions on how to probe the incisions themselves so they can continue at home. The Word Spreads Dr. Towfigh says that her study has engendered excitement among surgeons around the country and abroad and that they have been contacting her to learn more. (She also is preparing an instructional video of the technique.) Doctors at Cedars-Sinai now are using the technique on appropriate patients throughout the hospital, and a team of colorectal surgeons there has started a similar study in their patient population. The success of this simple method is a good reminder that an easy, low-tech approach is sometimes just exactly what is needed. Source(s):
Shirin Towfigh, MD, attending surgeon and associate professor of surgery, division of general surgery, Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. Be well, Carole Jackson Bottom Line's Daily Health News You received this free E-letter because you have requested it. You are on the mailing list as Or... a friend forwarded it to you. Click here to easily subscribe. You can easily unsubscribe by clicking here. To change your e-mail address click here To update your e-mail preferences click here Important: Help your friends live more healthfully -- forward this E-letter to them. Better: Send it to many friends and your whole family. This is a free e-mail service of and Boardroom Inc. Need to contact us? Boardroom Inc. 281 Tresser Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901-3246 ATTN: Web Team Privacy Policy: Web Site Privacy Policy Required Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to matters relating to their health or well-being other than to suggest that readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The information and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the authors. However, readers who rely on information in this publication to replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult with health-care professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. Bottom Line's Daily Health News is a registered trademark of Boardroom, Inc. Copyright (c) 2011 by Boardroom Inc. |
Don't miss any of Bottom Line's Daily Health News. Add our address,, to your Address Book or Safe List. Learn how here. August 29, 2011 In This Issue... - The Prescription That Can Add Years to Your Life -- But Your Pharmacy Can’t Fill
- Styrofoam Really Is Bad for Your Health
- Drug-Free Treatment Reverses Even Bone-on-Bone Arthritis...
- High-Fat Diet Helps Kidneys
The Prescription That Can Add Years to Your Life -- But Your Pharmacy Can’t Fill It’s a universal prescription everyone should follow, but you won’t find it at your local drugstore. It lowers your risk for serious health problems, including heart disease, stroke and some forms of cancer. It preserves your independence, and protects your mobility. What is this promising elixir? It’s exercise -- and hundreds of studies have shown it can help you feel better, look great, and live a longer life. Let the experts at Harvard Medical School help you create a well-rounded exercise plan that fits your life. Click here to learn more... Styrofoam Really Is Bad for Your Health My niece is a college student, and forget about the healthy snacks that my sister once plied her with -- frozen blueberries, raw carrots and peppers, Greek yogurt. Now she and her roommates subsist on salty soups in Styrofoam containers that they heat in the communal microwave. This, too, will pass, I know, but a recent US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) report provides greater cause for concern. In June, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of HHS, added styrene -- the chemical used in the manufacture of Styrofoam cups and food containers -- to its list of substances that are "reasonably anticipated" to cause cancer. Styrene has also been linked to nerve damage and hormonal disruption. The Chemicals Leach Into Your Food Styrofoam is made from the plastic polystyrene, which is based on building blocks called styrene monomers. When you drink your steaming cup of coffee or spoon your chicken noodle soup or chili out of a Styrofoam cup, you also take in small doses of chemicals that leach from it. "Trace amounts of styrene as well as various chemical additives in polystyrene migrate into food -- particularly when liquids are hot," explains Olga Naidenko, PhD, a senior scientist at the Environmental Working Group ( "This is a problem, because polystyrene is very commonly used as disposable packaging for hot food and beverages" -- and has been for many years! The HHS says that the levels released from food containers are very low -- but for me, that’s not very comforting when I think about the literally thousands of doses that we each have taken in over the years. Then, too, every day we are bombarded with a multitude of toxins in the environment. It all adds up... so now, are you willing to accept toxic industrial chemicals in your soup? Don’t Swallow It Reducing exposure to cancer-causing agents is something we all want, but it takes knowledge and action on each person’s part to achieve that... - Boycott Styrofoam. Do not eat or drink out of Styrofoam containers (even if you’re a college student). I know it sounds obvious, but in today’s food culture, that’s easier said than done. It’s especially important not to consume anything hot, oily, acidic (including tomato sauce-based foods) or alcoholic from Styrofoam, since heat, oil, acid and alcohol increase leaching. This rules out, for example, hot drinks, citrus beverages, dressed salads, take-out burgers and, of course, beer and wine. Don’t store food in Styrofoam -- there are plenty of other packaging options. Be especially cognizant when you’re eating out at a restaurant and find yourself asking the waiter if he/she will pack up what you didn’t finish so that you can take it home. Ask if they have alternatives to Styrofoam, or even bring your own container from home.
- Choose healthier food and beverage containers. Eat and drink out of toxin-free glass, ceramic, stoneware or BPA-free plastic -- not Styrofoam. (Read about health concerns with the chemical BPA in standard plastic containers in the July 4, 2011 issue of Daily Health News.)
- Beat the heat. Whatever else you do, don’t microwave food in Styrofoam. Reheat leftovers in glass, ceramic or stoneware.
- BYOC. Bring your own cup to coffee shops and diners that use Styrofoam for beverages. Some ecofriendly businesses in my neighborhood even give you 25 cents off to encourage you to do the right thing for the environment -- which happens to be the right thing for your body as well.
- Vote with your feet. Patronize food establishments that provide recyclable cardboard take-out containers, not Styrofoam.
Source(s): Olga Naidenko, PhD, senior scientist, Environmental Working Group, Washington, DC. EWG is a nonprofit, research-based organization dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. Drug-Free Treatment Reverses Even Bone-on-Bone Arthritis... "Bone-on-bone" is the term doctors use for the last agonizing stage of arthritis. Your cartilage is totally ground away. Steroids and supplements are pointless. Alice was told her only hope was total knee replacement. Yet thanks to a brilliant physician, she skipped the surgery and feels like new. That's right. Alice licked "bone-on-bone" arthritis without surgery or drugs. And she did so with astonishing speed. In fact, not long after seeing this doctor, she left on a three-week shopping vacation -- then returned to the doctor's office with gifts for the entire staff and pronounced herself pain-free! What's the secret? Learn more... High-Fat Diet Helps Kidneys Not only is diabetes a difficult disease in and of itself, but it also brings some terrible complications, some of which are life-threatening -- including kidney damage, long thought to be irreversible. But maybe it’s not... I just read a fascinating new study showing that there is a way to reverse kidney damage from diabetes (type 1 and type 2), and believe it or not, the key is eating a high-fat diet! Is This for Real? It’s not quite as simple as dining regularly on marbled steaks and rich ice cream, however. This research focused on what’s called a ketogenic diet, a type of diet that has been used for decades to control seizures in children with severe epilepsy. It’s a rigid eating plan in which people typically eat about four times as much fat (described in detail later) as carbohydrates and protein, for a diet that is 75% to 80% fat. Charles V. Mobbs, PhD, professor of neuroscience, geriatrics and palliative medicine at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, told me that this study is the first one ever to suggest that dietary intervention can turn around kidney damage and possibly other diabetes-related complications as well. At Mount Sinai, Dr. Mobbs and his team examined the effects of a ketogenic diet in mice bred to have diabetes. They allowed the diabetic mice to develop kidney failure and put half on the diet (in this case 87% fat, 8% protein, 5% carbohydrates) and half on a high-carbohydrate control diet of standard mouse chow (11% fat, 23% protein, 64% carbohydrates). After eight weeks, kidney failure was reversed -- meaning that urine analysis showed normal, healthy levels of albumin and creatinine -- in mice on the ketogenic diet. The mice on the control diet died. Tricking the Body Here’s how the ketogenic diet works: Similar to the low-carb, high-fat Atkins diet, it essentially tricks the body into believing that it is in starvation mode, a condition that produces lowered blood glucose levels and higher blood fat levels. These cues trigger the body to manufacture molecules called ketones -- an indication that the body is using fat to provide fuel for energy to the cells. (Normally, the body uses glucose for fuel.) People with diabetes have elevated blood sugar (as you know), causing excess glucose metabolism -- this is what causes diabetes-related kidney failure, Dr. Mobbs explained. But once blood glucose is relatively low and ketones are high (providing an alternative source of energy), the kidneys can take a rest from glucose metabolism -- and thereby regenerate themselves. These findings were published in the April 20, 2011 issue of PLoS ONE. If this process is found to work in humans -- and Dr. Mobbs told me he believes it probably will -- using a ketogenic diet would be a dramatic improvement over dialysis or a kidney transplant, which are at present, the only ways to treat kidney failure. It Works Fast The problem, however, is that the ketogenic diet is so strict and extreme in its requirements (for instance, even toothpaste is restricted in case it has sugar in it) that people find it hard to follow for any length of time. To illustrate: Children put on this diet to control seizures are hospitalized and begin with a 24-hour water fast. Their diet is gradually modified, eventually comprising 75 to 100 calories per 2.2 pounds of body weight with a ratio of three or four times as much fat as carbohydrate and protein -- emphasizing lots of butter, heavy whipping cream, mayonnaise and oils. The children are closely monitored for adverse reactions -- since this is a high-calorie diet, their calorie intake is also watched to be sure that they don’t gain weight -- and if all goes well, they are sent home to continue the diet for several months. So it’s logical that the next question would be how long does a person have to follow this eating plan for it to work -- forever? The answer is, probably not. Dr. Mobbs told me that he believes that following a ketogenic diet for a short period of time -- perhaps only a month -- may be enough to "reset" the kidneys to begin functioning normally. But this is only a guess, he said, noting that he and his team are conducting further mouse trials to determine exactly how many weeks or months are needed to reverse kidney damage. The research team is also organizing trials in humans, and Dr. Mobbs sees great potential for additional future uses of the ketogenic diet. In years to come, we may see it prescribed to treat a variety of both diabetes-related and nondiabetes-related complications -- for instance, age-related kidney failure not caused by diabetes. No question, this is compelling stuff, and I promise that you’ll be hearing more about it in Daily Health News -- but in the meantime, Dr. Mobbs asked me to emphasize that the ketogenic diet is a serious medical intervention that should be attempted only under a doctor’s supervision. Do not try it on your own. Source(s):
Charles V. Mobbs, PhD, professor of neuroscience, geriatrics and palliative medicine, Mobbs’s Aging and Metabolism Lab, Fishberg Department of Neuroscience, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York. Be well, Carole Jackson Bottom Line's Daily Health News You received this free E-letter because you have requested it. You are on the mailing list as Or... a friend forwarded it to you. Click here to easily subscribe. You can easily unsubscribe by clicking here. To change your e-mail address click here To update your e-mail preferences click here Important: Help your friends live more healthfully -- forward this E-letter to them. Better: Send it to many friends and your whole family. This is a free e-mail service of and Boardroom Inc. Need to contact us? Boardroom Inc. 281 Tresser Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901-3246 ATTN: Web Team Privacy Policy: Web Site Privacy Policy Required Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be construed as a health-care diagnosis, treatment regimen or any other prescribed health-care advice or instruction. The information is provided with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in the practice of medicine or any other health-care profession and does not enter into a health-care practitioner/patient relationship with its readers. The publisher does not advise or recommend to its readers treatment or action with regard to matters relating to their health or well-being other than to suggest that readers consult appropriate health-care professionals in such matters. No action should be taken based solely on the content of this publication. The information and opinions provided herein are believed to be accurate and sound at the time of publication, based on the best judgment available to the authors. However, readers who rely on information in this publication to replace the advice of health-care professionals, or who fail to consult with health-care professionals, assume all risks of such conduct. The publisher is not responsible for errors or omissions. Bottom Line's Daily Health News is a registered trademark of Boardroom, Inc. Copyright (c) 2011 by Boardroom Inc. |
Don't miss any of HealthyWoman from Bottom Line. Add our address,, to your Address Book or Safe List. Learn how here. | August 28, 2011 | |  |  | How Former Heavy Drinkers Can Protect Their Health Today | |  | Blood Pressure "Switch" Found on Human Body... | |  | Welcome Relief for Below-the-Breast Chafing | |  | Tumors Dried Up and Gone in 2 Months | |  | Shop More, Live Longer | | | | | | |  | | | How Former Heavy Drinkers Can Protect Their Health Today Recovery from alcoholism can be really, really hard—so if you’ve been sober for some time, congratulations! It’s prudent, though, to recognize that those years of drinking may have taken a long-lasting toll on your body. "Alcohol abuse can do cumulative damage to the brain, heart, liver, digestive tract and other parts of the body. Unfortunately, millions of people in recovery unwittingly shortchange themselves of years, if not decades, of joyful living by succumbing to illnesses associated with self-destructive lifestyle patterns," said John Newport, PhD, author of The Wellness–Recovery Connection: Charting Your Pathway to Optimal Health While Recovering from Alcoholism and Drug Addiction. What can you do now to protect your future health from the excesses of the past? Steps to take... Make a healthful diet a cornerstone of your sobriety. Many active alcoholics (those still drinking) are malnourished because alcohol, which has virtually none of the nutrients of healthful food, provides a large proportion of their calories. Thus, you probably entered recovery with nutritional deficiencies that can exacerbate alcohol-induced health problems. Also: Alcohol causes blood sugar spikes and plunges that, over time, may increase the risk for chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, belly fat accumulation, slowed metabolism and impaired cognitive function. Many recovering alcoholics continue to eat in ways that keep them on the blood sugar roller coaster, including overindulging in sweets. This can create a chronic feeling of being "out of sorts" that can tip the scales in the direction of relapse, Dr. Newport cautioned. Self-defense: To replenish nutrients your body needs for self-repair, stabilize blood sugar and reduce cravings for sweets, adopt a "Mediterranean diet" high in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and plant-based protein sources (such as legumes)... and low in processed foods and saturated fats. Important: Some Mediterranean diet descriptions include a moderate amount of red wine, but no amount of wine is appropriate for a person in recovery. Supplement with the nutrients recovering alcoholics need most. While not a substitute for a healthful diet, supplementation can provide a nutritional insurance policy. Consider taking a daily multivitamin or consult a physician with expertise in nutrition and recovery for individualized guidance on supplements and dosages, Dr. Newport suggested. Recovery supporters include... - L-glutamine. This amino acid may help curb cravings for sugar, alcohol and other drugs.
- Milk thistle. Some evidence suggests that this herb can assist a damaged liver in rebuilding itself. But: "If you have been diagnosed with liver damage, be sure to also follow through with appropriate medical treatment. I wouldn’t want anyone to think that milk thistle will fix cirrhosis, for instance," Dr. Newport emphasized.
- Omega-3 fatty acids. These have anti-inflammatory effects that may help repair your heart, digestive system and other alcohol-damaged tissues. Omega-3s also are highly concentrated in the brain and thus may help combat depression and aid cognitive function and memory (which can be impaired by years of heavy drinking). Supplement sources include fish oil, evening primrose oil, black currant oil and borage seed oil.
- Vitamin A. This antioxidant helps repair damaged cells of the bones, teeth and soft tissues. It also may reduce the risk for cancer, many types of which are seen in higher levels among heavy drinkers.
- Vitamin B complex. The B vitamins improve nervous system function. They also help the body and brain cope with stress, which is important since stress is a risk factor for relapse.
- Vitamin C. This stimulates the immune system, promotes blood vessel health and helps detoxify the liver—all of which may have been compromised by excessive alcohol.
- Vitamin E. This improves the function of heart and muscle cells and reduces cardiovascular risk.
Curb caffeine consumption. It’s fine to have a cup or two of joe in the morning. But unfortunately, said Dr. Newport, many recovering alcoholics radically increase their caffeine intake, overstimulating the adrenal glands and elevating blood sugar. Symptoms of caffeine overload include anxiety, irritability and insomnia (which won’t help your sobriety), plus frequent urination that can deplete water-soluble vitamins. If you consume more than five servings of caffeine daily from coffee, black tea, soft drinks and/or chocolate, cut back gradually to avoid triggering withdrawal headaches... and substitute herbal tea, decaffeinated green tea, spring water or fruit juice mixed with sparking water. If you smoke, make quitting part of your recovery. Smoking rates are significantly higher among active alcoholics than nonalcoholics—and many people in recovery from alcoholism continue to smoke. You can see that at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, Dr. Newport said, because there is almost always a group of people smoking outside the door. Smoking is harmful for everyone, but particularly for alcoholics because it exacerbates chronic alcohol-induced nerve cell injury and cell membrane damage in the brain. It also impedes cerebral blood flow and thus slows the process of healing the damage caused to the brain by excessive alcohol consumption—so the longer you continue to smoke, the more you interfere with that process. Recovering alcoholics may hesitate to give up cigarettes for fear that doing so would jeopardize their sobriety—but recent research contradicts this notion. Because smoking and drinking behavior often go together, continued smoking actually can trigger cravings for alcohol and thus reduce your chances of staying sober. The same sorts of tools that helped you quit drinking also can help you give up cigarettes. Ask your doctor about smoking cessation aids, including nicotine replacement products, medication, psychotherapy, group support and 12-step programs (such as Nicotine Anonymous, Also helpful: Call 800-QUIT-NOW (800-784-8669) to reach the smoking quit line sponsored by your state health department. "This gives you access to trained counselors who can help you over the hump," Dr. Newport said. Beating your nicotine addiction not only will do wonders for your physical health, it also will support your recovery from alcoholism. Source: John Newport, PhD, is author of The Wellness–Recovery Connection: Charting Your Pathway to Optimal Health While Recovering from Alcoholism and Drug Addiction (Health Communications). He has doctorates in psychology and public health, has worked in the fields of addiction and health services for more than 30 years and is based in Tucson, Arizona. | | | | Welcome Relief for Below-the-Breast Chafing Q: The skin below my breasts often gets chafed. What is causing this and what can I do about it? A: This is a fairly common complaint among large-breasted women—and the bigger the breasts, the higher the chances of developing irritation in this area. If the chafing occurs at your bra line, it could be that your bra is rubbing the skin due to improper fit. Solution: Consult an experienced lingerie salesperson for help in finding a bra that provides support without slippage. Irritation also can result when the skin at the bottom of the breasts rubs against the skin of the chest. There is little ventilation in that area, so it gets moist and prone to inflammation, similar to a baby’s diaper rash. Try applying a dab of a barrier cream (such as any Desitin product) or anti-chafing lubricant designed for athletes (such as the BodyGlide brand) to the affected area each morning to create a protective layer against skin-to-skin friction. Wait a bit for the product to absorb before getting dressed to avoid getting it on your shirt. Another option is to sprinkle a bit of cornstarch on your hand, then rub it on your skin before you dress. Also helpful: Buy bras made of moisture-wicking fabric... change to a dry bra if you feel damp... or go braless at home to let the area air out. If the problem persists, see your dermatologist. You may need to use a steroid product, such as over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or a low-potency prescription topical steroid, for a few days to reduce inflammation and give the chafed skin a chance to heal (though you’ll still need to follow the recommendations above to prevent irritation from returning). Be aware: One side effect of steroids is to reduce the immune response, which in turn can promote an overgrowth of Candida yeast. You’ll know yeast is a factor if your skin has white patches that you can wipe off or if little red bumps surround the chafed area. So if you use a topical steroid, combine it with a dab of nonprescription antifungal miconazole gel and let it air-dry before putting on your bra. Source: Francisco A. Tausk, MD, is a professor of dermatology and psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine in Rochester, New York. He also is head of the Center for Integrative Dermatology and codirector of the Psoriasis Center at the University of Rochester Medical Center. | | | | Tumors Dried Up and Gone in 2 Months "Within two months, every tumor had shrunk, dried up and fallen off," said Tom to Dr. Gary Null about the miraculous disappearance of his rapidly spreading cancer. Tom had already gone through surgery once for skin cancer on his forehead. Unfortunately, his skin cancer was melanoma. Just 10 days after the operation, the cancer was back with a vengeance. It reappeared on his forehead, and quickly spread to his arm, upper body and chest. Four doctors all agreed: There was nothing they could do to cure this cancer. They all still wanted to operate. But Tom wanted to live—not just get sliced up. | | Read on... |  |  |  | | | Shop More, Live Longer Sometimes the thought of working out makes me want to pull the covers over my head—but now I hear that it might do me good to hit the stores instead. Reason: According to recent research, shopping is good for a person’s health. This study involved 1,841 seniors ages 65 and older who were asked how often they went shopping. Possible answers ranged from "daily" to "never." Findings: Participants who reported shopping every day were 27% less likely to die during the study period than those who ventured out to stores less frequently. Theory: Shopping involves various factors believed to extend longevity, including physical activity and increased social interaction. Bottom line: Next time you feel the need for some retail therapy, don’t feel guilty. You can even save your money—because window-shopping works, too. Source: Yu-Hung Chang, PhD, is a researcher at the Institute of Population Health Sciences in Taiwan and leader of a study published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health. | | |  |
 | |  Tamara Eberlein, the editor of HealthyWoman from Bottom Line, has been a health journalist for nearly three decades. An award-winning author or coauthor of four books, she is committed to helping other women in midlife and beyond live healthy, fulfilling lives. Her latest book is the updated, third edition of When You’re Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads (HarperCollins). She is also the "chief health adviser" to her husband of 26 years and three college-age children. | | | | Bottom Line Publications | 281 Tresser Boulevard, 8th Floor | Stamford, CT 06901
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