Do you sometimes overeat? Many of us do—munching while we multitask... having extra helpings at meals when we’re no longer really hungry... or eating out of boredom. But if overindulgence has become part of your daily routine, naturopathic physician Mark A. Stengler, NMD, has a treat for you—an easy way to pull the plug on bad eating habits that lets you eat less and still feel full.
We all love our pets—but be careful not to get too cozy with them. Bruno Chomel, DVM, PhD, professor at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California-Davis, explains why sleeping in the same bed with your pet can make you sick.
All the best,
Don’t forget to check out Bottom Line President Marjory Abrams’ latest blog posting: Why I Hate "How Are You?" And don’t forget to share your thoughts on the blog with Margie. |
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August 17, 2011 | | | ADVERTISEMENT Drug-Free Diabetes Cure Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh have established that 83% of obese patients who try a new natural treatment code-named "LGB" that dramatically corrects the way your body metabolizes food see dramatic improvement in their diabetes. In fact, many see total reversal of the disease. Dr. Philip Schauer, who led the study, also comments, "Most patients in the study with type 2 diabetes... achieved excellent biochemical [blood sugar] control and were able to reap the clinical benefits of withdrawing from most, if not all, antidiabetes medications, including insulin." LGB works in as little as 90 minutes, even on morbidly obese patients... Learn More | |
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