Don't miss any Bottom Line Secrets. Add our address,, to your Address Book or Safe List. Learn how here. February 6, 2011 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Dear, You’ve heard about cancers that "miraculously" disappear on their own -- but do you know the scientific explanation? There are three explanations, actually -- and two of them are somewhat under the control of the patient. Keith I. Block, MD, editor-in-chief of Integrative Cancer Therapies and author of the book, Life Over Cancer, explains the science behind the miracles... and, while acknowledging that this does happen only rarely, he tells what patients can do to help those miracles occur. Sadly, you may know that even a miracle won’t save your marriage -- but that divorcing would create too much of a financial strain. What to do? Another Dr. Block (no relation) -- Joel D. Block, PhD, author of Naked Intimacy: How to Increase True Openness in Your Relationship -- has advice on how spouses can live comfortably together even when they’re no longer a couple. All the best, ![]() Jessica Kent Editor ![]() NEW: Have You Heard of the OTHER Government Backed "Pension Program?" It’s official, Social Security is heading for broke! But that doesn’t mean you should miss out on the retirement you deserve... Most Americans know nothing about this, but a small, savvy group of retirees have been collecting from this other Government backed "pension program" since 1972! Now income specialist Jim Nelson shows how you could too in a brand new presentation. Click here to watch it instantly.Vanishing Cancers Keith I. Block, MD University of Illinois College of Medicine A common belief about cancer is that it is an irreversible process. Normal cells become malignant and grow uncontrollably. The only way to stop the process is to remove or kill the cancer through surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation. Cancer doesn’t just disappear. That belief is proving to be untrue. In a recent study in Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers from Norway and the US analyzed the six-year incidence of invasive breast cancer in two very similar groups of Norwegian women. About 119,000 of the women had mammograms every two years. Another 110,000 women in the study had not had mammograms and then had one mammogram. To the surprise of the researchers, the six-year incidence of breast cancer in the two groups was quite different. The more frequently screened group had a 22% higher incidence of breast cancer. So, what caused less cancer to be found in the second group? The intriguing theory is that cancer did indeed start in this group at an equal rate... and then spontaneously disappeared without ever being noticed (because the women were not being screened). Other research has shown that spontaneous regression of cancer occurs in cases of advanced melanoma, advanced kidney cancer and neuroblastoma (a childhood cancer of nerve tissue). Regression also occurs in colonic adenomas (precancerous growths of the colon) and in precancerous lesions of the cervix. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Keith I. Block, MD, one of America’s top integrative cancer therapy experts. He explains that the number of documented cases of spontaneous cancer remission is quite low. He estimates that only one in 500 cancer tumors regress without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. However, he suggests that the unalterable, one-way trajectory of cancer is an outdated paradigm. Cancer is not only mutagenic -- propelled by damage to DNA -- it also is mitogenic and the growth (mitogenesis) of cancer cells may be stopped by inhibiting molecular signaling and correcting disruption in the body’s internal biochemical environment. This can be influenced by lifestyle factors that are alterable through personal choices. WHY CANCERS VANISH There are three main factors that can cause a cancer to regress...
The latest research shows that positive lifestyle factors can influence genes by turning on the tumor-suppressor genes and turning off the tumor-promoting genes.
What happens: In a normal biochemical environment, one cell sends a message to another, Don’t grow, I’m using this space. One reason tumor cells can divide and grow is that they don’t receive this message. The breakdown in communication is fundamental in the biology of cancer in other ways. Studies show that meditation -- one way to communicate with your inner spirit -- reduces cancer-causing inflammation. Close personal relationships also are relevant. A 2009 preclinical study from researchers at The University of Chicago suggested that social isolation and its impact on stress resulted in a greater than threefold increase in the onset of breast cancer. STEPS YOU CAN TAKE Various lifestyle factors can strengthen you against cancer...
Exercise counters many cancer-causing biological factors, including cancer-fueling molecules called growth factors... oxidative stress (a kind of internal rust)... a weakened immune system... and poor response to inflammation. Aim for a minimum of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily, which can be divided into multiple sessions.
Example: The Japanese have long had a diet rich in land and sea vegetables and fish -- and low in meat, refined sugars and high-fat foods. Japan also has lower cancer rates than the US and better survival rates. For instance, men in Japan and the US are equally likely to have very early prostate cancer -- the kind that never causes clinical problems -- but American men have much higher rates of the clinical type that can lead to advanced prostate cancer. Bottom line: If you eat too much dietary fat and refined carbohydrates, you run the risk of increasing body fat and weight while weakening your immune system and increasing oxidative stress, inflammation and blood levels of substances that promote tumors.
But to get enough turmeric, resveratrol and all the rest, you would have to eat curry and guzzle grape juice until you exploded. Best: Supplements and concentrates, such as "green drinks," often sold in health-food stores. Talk to your doctor about the best supplements for you.
What happens: Stress triggers biochemistry that is procancer -- high levels of certain growth factors... an excess of oxidation-causing free radicals... high blood sugar... and raging inflammation. Techniques such as relaxed abdominal breathing, progressive muscle relaxation and calming imagery can help you create emotional ease. IF YOU HAVE CANCER The fact that a cancer can vanish without conventional treatments is important knowledge for a person diagnosed with cancer and for his/her doctor. However, a patient should never simply wait for a cancer to disappear. Getting started quickly on a plan of care can be essential for one’s survival -- losing time can be detrimental, even life-threatening. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Keith I. Block, MD, director of integrative medical education at University of Illinois College of Medicine and medical director of Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment in Evanston, Illinois. He is founder and scientific director of the nonprofit Institute for Cancer Research and Education. He is editor-in- chief of Integrative Cancer Therapies and author of Life Over Cancer (Bantam). ![]() ![]() Marge Couldn't Remember Her Phone Number... But Now Her Brain Is 20 Years Younger... You Want a Divorce But Can't Afford It Joel D. Block, PhD Albert Einstein College of Medicine You would like a divorce, but the legal fees and cost of two residences are beyond your means. For now, you have to continue living together. How to make it work... IF THERE ARE CHILDREN AT HOME Explain to the children that you have decided to sleep apart and live apart (together) in the house. The essence of your statement goes something like this, "We have given our best effort to making this marriage work, and we have not been successful. We have decided to stay together but to live as independently of each other as possible. Nothing we do will change our love and caring for you... " Children need certainty and are better off knowing what’s happening than wondering about it and drawing their own (perhaps frightening) conclusions. Establish a code of behavior. Arguing in front of the children is harmful and so is speaking negatively about the other parent. An agreement defining acceptable behavior should be drawn up in writing and signed by both partners. Example: "Rather than airing grievances in front of the children, they will be aired privately every Tuesday evening." Also, if either or both of you decide to date while you still live together, people you are dating should not come to the home. Divide up the child care. Who is in charge of whom, and when, must be carefully defined. And block out times for separate vacations. If they are to be without the children, plan for coverage. MONEY AND SPACE Divide up the expenses if both partners work. Whatever you decide should not be viewed as "forever" but renegotiated each year. Make a list of household chores, and split them equitably. Decide who sleeps where. If there are separate bathrooms, it’s better if each has his/her own. (As a courtesy, notify the other partner if you plan to have guests sleep over.) Get separate phone lines. Separate phone lines with password-protected voice mail are worth the expense to maintain privacy. Password protected e-mail accounts also are suggested. Reassess the situation periodically. The financial hardship of a divorce should be periodically weighed against a living arrangement that may slowly eat away at integrity and well-being. Living together but estranged is not recommended for the long term. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Joel D. Block, PhD, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx and senior psychologist at North Shore-Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Glen Oaks, New York. He is author of Naked Intimacy: How to Increase True Openness in Your Relationship and Broken Promises, Mended Hearts: Maintaining Trust in Love Relationships (both McGraw-Hill). ![]() ![]() New INSTANT Cure for Extra High Cholesterol -- Cholesterol Drops 100 Points or More Important: Help your friends get much more out of life -- forward this E-letter to them. Better: Send it to many friends and your whole family. This is a free weekly e-mail service of and Boardroom Inc. Boardroom Inc. 281 Tresser Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901-3229 ATTN: Web Team You received this e-mail because you have requested it. You are on the mailing list as Or... a friend forwarded it to you. Disclaimer: Bottom Line Secrets publishes the opinions of expert authorities in many fields. But the use of these opinions is no substitute for legal, accounting, investment, medical and other professional services to suit your specific personal needs. 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