Dear friend,
Today I want to share with you a fascinating video with Bruce Lipton on how your thoughts can make you sick, broke and unhappy, if you don’t know how to control them properly...
Bruce Lipton is a cellular biologist who has spent years studying how our thoughts effect us in all areas of life.
Bruce Lipton has out-right said that the majority of medical studies done today are inaccurate and misleading and he has the proof to show why.
If you’re ready for some mind blowing information on how your thoughts affect all areas of your life then I highly suggest watching this video:
Here are a few of the things that he discusses in the video:
- The one simple belief that traditional medicine is based on that is 100% false.
- Why positive thinking is not enough to change your life (And what he says does work)
- How the unconscious programming you received in childhood is affecting you today (And what you can do about the programs that aren’t serving you)
- Why the belief that your genes control your health is completely untrue... (And how this common belief may be limiting not only your health but all areas of your life)
This video is guaranteed to be one of the most eye opening videos you’ll see all year. http://www.thetappingsolution.com/cmd.php?Clk=4132327
Be well,
Carole Jackson
Bottom Line’s Daily Health News
Bottom Line’s Daily Health News
P.S. -- This video is part of the free Tapping World Summit Video series being released over the next few days leading up to this enormous event starting on February 21st (last year over 100,000 people attended this event online)
You’ll also get access to the other two pre-event videos with Jack Canfield and Cheryl Richardson. Both are extremely powerful and worth watching...
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