March 3, 2011

[Health and Wellness] New comment on Just a Bladder Infection? Maybe Not.

Jack has left a new comment on your post "Just a Bladder Infection? Maybe Not":

The AlgaeCal Bone Health Program is a natural <a href=">osteoporosis treatment</a> that combines all of the above advice.This natural osteoporosis treatment consists of AlgaeCal Plus, Strontium Boost and weight bearing exercise.

AlgaeCal Plus is the world's only plant source calcium and It also includes magnesium, trace minerals, vitamin D3 and vitamin k2. Strontium Boost is a supplement consisting of strontium citrate, learn more about strontium, a powerful bone building mineral.

Posted by Jack to Health and Wellness at March 3, 2011 1:47 PM

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