Don't miss any Bottom Line Secrets. Add our address,, to your Address Book or Safe List. Learn how here. March 27, 2011 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
![]() Dear, Do you ever find yourself, suddenly out of nowhere, feeling desperate for a gooey hot fudge sundae or a greasy piece of pepperoni pizza? Believe it or not, your junk food cravings may mean that you are missing out on some important nutrients. Fred Pescatore, MD, an internist who practices nutritional medicine in New York City and author of The Hamptons Diet, explains the deficiencies that trigger five common food cravings. He tells how to satisfy each of them with a healthy and tasty alternative that will meet your nutrition needs and release you from the throes of your craving! There’s a lot more to the birds and the bees and the butterflies than you think... they’re in serious decline. Doug Tallamy, PhD, author of Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants, offers a simple four-step plan for turning your yard into a pollinator’s paradise to protect both these threatened species and the environment. Even better:make your property a more vibrant and satisfying place to be at the same time! All the best, ![]() Jessica Kent Editor Craving a Burger? Or Chocolate? Fred Pescatore, MD It can strike when you least expect it -- an overwhelming desire to satisfy a food craving. You may be desperate for a burger, cake, chocolate, pizza or some other specific food. Even though food cravings seem harmless enough, they are often a red flag that a person’s diet needs attention. Strong food cravings generally don’t occur unless the body is crying out for particular nutrients -- ones that can almost always be found in more healthful foods than what we may initially desire. Five common cravings -- and what each may mean... *
Healthful alternative: To satisfy your body’s need for iron, try dark leafy greens, such as spinach or Swiss chard. These vegetables may be a more healthful option if your diet is high in fat and carbohydrates. An occasional steak (once a week) is OK, but try incorporating small amounts of red meat into your regular diet so you don’t go overboard when you indulge this craving. Consider adding small amounts of lean beef into a vegetable soup or a sprinkle of lean ground beef into a bean chili. Lacto-vegetarians can get CLA in butter and low-fat milk.
Because baked goods are essentially sugar and carbohydrate, they provide a quick boost in energy and serotonin (a brain chemical that invokes feelings of happiness) when blood sugar levels are waning. Healthful alternative: Try a piece of fruit or a glass of antioxidant-rich pomegranate juice. These natural sources of sugar provide nutrients that baked goods can’t, such as vitamin C. To curb your craving for carbohydrates, consider trying the dietary supplement chromium picolinate (200 mcg, three times daily). Caution: Check with you doctor if you have diabetes. Chromium picolinate may alter drug requirements. Physical activity, such as walking, also will allow your body to use up some of the excess cortisol. Exercise activates the body’s relaxation response to maintain healthy cortisol levels.
Healthful strategy: Eat dark chocolate or cocoa powder with at least 75% cacao. Limit amounts of lighter chocolates, which contain more sugar and less cacao. Avoid all chocolate if you have phenylketonuria, a condition in which the body cannot process the phenylalanine found in chocolate. Another option: Mix unsweetened cocoa powder with skim milk to taste (or follow the instructions on the cocoa powder container). Add the all-natural sugar substitute stevia and/or top with a small amount of whipped cream.
Simple carbohydrates in potatoes break down into glucose, boosting your energy and serotonin levels. The salt used on fries satisfies your need for sodium, and the oil used for frying helps keep you satiated. Healthful alternative: Eating about 20 salted nuts (two ounces) -- such as almonds, pecans or walnuts -- each day provides healthful omega-3s and sodium. (People with high blood pressure should eat unsalted nuts.) Nuts also provide a sustained glucose boost that helps stabilize blood sugar. A diet rich in proteins, vegetables, fruits and whole grains will naturally keep cravings for greasy, high-fat foods at bay.
Healthful alternative: Make your own pizza with a whole-grain crust, organic low-fat cheese, fresh tomatoes and veggies. Try adding to your diet more foods that are rich in essential fatty acids, including walnuts, avocado, flaxseed and fatty fish, such as salmon. *If you continue to crave a certain food, consider getting tested for deficiencies in vitamins A, B-12, D and folic acid (these tests have been clinically proven, whereas the accuracy of other nutritional deficiency tests is questionable). Bottom Line/Personal interviewed interviewed Fred Pescatore, MD, an internist who practices nutritional medicine in New York City and the author of The Hamptons Diet (Wiley). He is president of the International & American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists, ![]() Why You Need Butterflies and Bees in Your Garden Doug Tallamy, PhD University of Delaware Your garden can be more than a haven for you and your family to enjoy. It also can be a refuge for endangered bees and butterflies. Three-quarters of all flowering plants -- and more than one-third of food crops -- depend on bees, butterflies and other pollinators for fertilization. Yet in just the past few years, the population of honeybees bred for use in commercial agriculture has dropped dramatically. Wild bees, butterflies and some pollinating bird species also are in decline. Possible causes for the decline include parasites, disease and pesticides, but there’s no doubt that one major cause is loss of habitat -- the plants that pollinators use for food, mating and nesting. By landscaping with pollinators in mind, you can attract them to your garden, adding to your pleasure and helping to protect threatened species. How to plant for pollinators... Choose native plants. Many of the plants that we are used to seeing in North American yards are originally from China and Europe, including the traditional lawn. They are not part of the local region’s food web -- the complex network of plants and wildlife that depend on one another for survival. Some insects and birds have successfully adapted to non-native plant species, but most cannot adapt and may die out. Also, many modern hybrid plants have been bred for appearance and extra bloom time but have lost the fragrance, nectar and pollen that once sustained butterflies and bees. Rather than depend on hybrids for bloom time, choose different native plants that bloom at different times of year. By doing this, you can offer pollinators a succession of plants in flower from early spring to late fall. To learn about native plants in your region, visit the Web site of the Pollinator Partnership ( Or contact your regional native plant society -- the North American Native Plant Society lists state and regional groups at (click on "Resources," then "Native Plant Societies"). Your nearby cooperative extension office, which provides free agricultural education and information (, also can help. Or you can talk to docents at your local arboretum. Plant in groups. Grow plants close together to provide overlapping canopies of different heights. This pattern is inviting to pollinators and gives them protection from predators. Plant for larvae as well as adult pollinators. Butterflies need more than flowers and nectar to survive. They also need plants for their larvae to feed on. A few plant species, such as black-eyed Susan and milkweed, provide both. But in most cases, host plants that nourish larvae are different from flowering plants that provide nectar. Even the so-called butterfly bush provides nectar but no food for larvae. Good host plants are woody, such as viburnum, black cherry and oak. Avoid pesticides. Even natural pesticides can be deadly to bees. Also, wiping out insects starves the birds that feed on them. Plant diversity is a better solution to the pest problem than pesticides. A variety of native plants will support insects’ natural enemies, including birds, keeping the different populations in balance -- and making for a beautiful and life-sustaining environment around your home. Bottom Line/Personal interviewed Doug Tallamy, PhD, professor and chair of the department of entomology and wildlife ecology at University of Delaware, Newark. He is author of Bringing Nature Home: How You Can Sustain Wildlife with Native Plants (Timber Press) and was awarded the Silver Medal by the Garden Writers Association of America in 2008. ![]() Important: Help your friends get much more out of life -- forward this E-letter to them. Better: Send it to many friends and your whole family. This is a free weekly e-mail service of and Boardroom Inc. Boardroom Inc. 281 Tresser Boulevard Stamford, CT 06901-3229 ATTN: Web Team You received this e-mail because you have requested it. 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